I love the beginning of the year! It's such a great time to make plans and goals! I always put mine in writing to help remind me throughout the year of what I should be moving towards. Mine are usually simple but all have a special place in my life as I love my husband, raise my girls and grow my business. Here are my goals and plans for 2013, in no particular order...
1. Get pictures in my frames- I seem to struggle with this one and it's such a simple task. I want our pictures to be filled with moments and I have a hard time deciding which is the best. 2013 is the year to move forward and maybe just buy more frames so I don't have to pick and choose my favorite moments.
2. Use my fine china-Everyday can be an occasion that merits fine china.
3. Take more video-video is so priceless I feel. To hear the voices and watch the mannerisms of my loved ones as we get older. It's a little peak into the past and brings me back to the moment every time.
4. Speak less listen more-plain and simple I talk to much and I need to work on it.
5. Adopt morning devotional-Starting the day with my coffee and devotional always puts my trying moments in perspective.
6. Go on more walks-the outdoors always have a way of clearing my head. The allow fun adventures for my girls and are a good reminder of to slow down and enjoy the moments.
7. Learn...take risks-try the scary things..what's the worst that can happen?
8. Keep my eye on the prize-sometimes blinders are a good thing...focusing on what my goals are and working towards them.
9. Save more shop less-the toughest of them all!!!!
10. Write more notes-taking the time to write a little note to a friend is priceless. Perfect opportunity to tell them how much I adore them.
I hope you take the time to note your plans and goals for the upcoming year and take 2013 by storm!
Cheers to a fabulous 2013!