The busy girl's workout!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I don't always have the time to get the gym or to a workout class so I prefer to squeeze in a workout when I can.  I do them in my pjs or whatever I happen to have on.  No one to impress and you get the nov done!    I like them to be short and quick and to the point.  I prefer yoga based workouts personally because they help destress and stretch while still getting a killer workout!  My body has changed drastically since I've started practicing yoga and I definately can sense a change in my stress level after a workout.  Here are some of my fave at home workouts....

Mandy Ingber's Yogalosophy- Mandy is Jennifer Aniston's Yoga instructor.  Whatever get's me closer to a Jen Aniston body I'm in!

Bethenny's Skinnygirl Workout-love this workout with Bethenny because she has short little workouts of 15 minutes and 20 minutes so you can really squeeze one in every day and not feel like you are taking up a whole bunch of your day!  You just leave the workout feeling relaxed and ready to kick your day's butt!

Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout-Tracy is behind the Gwenyth Paltrow physique!  I'd say your crazy if you didn't want to be long and lean like Gwenyth!  

Body by Bethenny-this Bethenny video is a bit longer ( 1 hour) but well worth it!  I try and squeeze it in once a week.

I try and do one of these workouts 3 times a week.  I usually aim to do 2 short ones and then one of the longer ones mid week.  

Cheers to a fab and tight body in 2013!!

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